Barry's Profile
So I joined that web site just curious as to how well/bad off my ex-classmates actually are. All are very much as I expected them to be; married, children the whole deal. This one stuck out in my mind. Mr. Barry ******, was a very nice and attractive young man. We were friends, band mates, and acquaintances. After graduation, we both went on the high school band trip to Florida, I saw him naked on that trip (non-sexual). I had a crush on him and blah. He was dating another friend and they went off to East Texas Baptist University together. She made it on a softball scholarship and he went there to be with her. As we all know, they broke up shortly after, and Barry sorta fell into a deep depression. Drinking, drugs, parting, and attempted suicide, needless to say he soon returned home to live with his parents. The girl also returned, after she found out she didn't really want to play softball (she's not lezbo enough). So I had heard all of this about Barry and was really worried about him. I saw him about 2 years ago during Christmas break. He looked bad and very skinny, and then there were the gay rumors surfacing. I heard at one point he was living with his very gay and open boyfriend. He was the catcher, so too speak. I have no idea if this was a fact or not, I just take it for what's it worth and consider the sources. Ok, fast forward a year; he was busted for the production and intent to sell meth. So he was in lotsa trouble and charged, and I have no idea what ever happened there. Fast forward to today: I found his profile on and he apparently lives in Canada now, has a kid, and drives a sedan. This strikes me as funny and odd, I'm just surprised. I don't see him settling down and all, and certainly not in Canada, maybe he's on the run. Oh well, it's nice to see how people are doing, and maybe I'll even send him an e-mail and catch up. Probably not. We have a runion in 4 years, so I'll wait till then.
Talked to kim for about an hour while exploring the thingy. She was also very much crushin on Barry in High School. We basically spent our time reading profiles and then spent time creating fabulous profiles for ourselves, so we can prove we are better than everyone else. We have fabulous fake lives!!!