Bud Commercial
On another topic: I'm violently ill. I must have a touch of the flu. I do have a ton of stuff I want to write about, but I just don't feel like it.
THE Pentagon considered developing a host of non-lethal chemical weapons that would disrupt discipline and morale among enemy troops, newly declassified documents reveal.
Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an "aphrodisiac" chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale, the proposal says.
Other ideas included chemical weapons that attract swarms of enraged wasps or angry rats to troop positions, making them uninhabitable. Another was to develop a chemical that caused "severe and lasting halitosis", making it easy to identify guerrillas trying to blend in with civilians. There was also the idea of making troops' skin unbearably sensitive to sunlight.
The proposals, from the US Air Force Wright Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, date from 1994. The lab sought Pentagon funding for research into what it called "harassing, annoying and 'bad guy'-identifying chemicals". The plans have been posted online by the Sunshine Project, an organisation that exposes research into chemical and biological weapons.
Spokesman Edward Hammond says it was not known if the proposed $7.5 million, six-year research plan was ever pursued.
From issue 2482 of New Scientist magazine, 15 January 2005, page 4
So we have a new supervisor. I trained him, he's moved up some now and he's a big ol' queen. So we were talking about him tonight, and alot of the staff is uneasy with him because he's gay, and that makes them uncomfortable. This is all news to me. They have no idea about me, so maybe I can change their views if they ever find out the truth. I'm not there to do that, because I don't care how they feel about stuff, but it could be a nice side action.
Tonight at work, a customer was complaining about the service we offer, and the cleanliness of the facility and how it's crap. I almost laughed at him. Not good I know. I did ask him what was up, and how I could help fix the problem but when he spoke I was hearing "beeeeeeeeeppppp." Like that episode on kid's in the hall. He's just one person and we have thousands of regulars so I could really care less. This whole dressed up suit thing catering to people's needs is all BullShit. People like to complain, and find things wrong with everything. Edit...not all people but some people certainly make it a past time. Nothing was wrong with the service or the facility. He warned me that we have competition moving in that will put us out of business. I saw their web site, and we could fit 3 of them into our property, I almost laughed at that as well. I think that pushed me over the edge, and Hotel, Restaurant, and Club Management are just not in my heart. I just smiled and told him to fill out a comment card, since that’s the fastest way to get things communicated, and to have a great rest of the day, and then silently in my head I whispered “eat shit and die,” and then did a flip off dance in my head. I clocked out and went home, I really think my future is bright. My diploma is not even printed yet and I hate what I'm going to be doing, I hope I can easily be exported.
I mean they all look good to me now adays. But mostly he oldest and the youngest are the one who could eat crackers in my bed anytime. They have a new album out and it's pretty good to say the least so maybe the fact that I think they are hot will level out one way or another.
Look at that smirk as he takes that jug of milk out of the fridge. RARRRR I mean I just love him. Do you ever feel that way about a guy you see on TV. I have a long laundry list of young men that I've programmed TiVo's wishlist to record. I mean anything they have even been in. Try it. Ryan Phillippe was on Matlock like twice?? Who knew? TiVo that's who!!
So guess whose been added to the list. I mean they CAN sing somewhat. They play their own instruments. They are young and hot. They have tons of money. They have fame pouring out of every gland. Did I mention they/he can sing? That make it okay....right?
So Christmas my next adventure, and I do mean adventure/hell/alot of fun.
That's a picture form Virginia Beach, and two feet of snow fell shortly afterwards. I went with Bobby to see his parents for the holidays. This was the first time for us to meet and I was sorta excited. We left heading through Arkansas, but only made it to Malvern, Ark. We had to stop because of the weather. Ice is fun. We stayed at a hotel and planned to wake up and head out the next morning after the roads were cleared. Um yeah. Long story short the roads were shut down and we headed back to Texas. We went the southern route, still made good time and got to Va Beach by 5:30pm on Christmas Eve. met the entire family and all was well. We had to leave the day after Christmas because I had to work on Tues. That's what we woke up too, the view from the front door. I wanted to see snow, and I saw it all. White Christmas indeed. Texas got a shit load as well. I like it as long as I don't have to be anywhere.